Poster campaign - Challenging Rape Myths

Posted in: #NeverOK, University of Bath

2018 has seen the launch of our second poster campaign. This campaign aims to challenge people's belief in 'rape myths'.

Rape myths are ideas held by people in reference to sexual violence and sexual harassment. They are often perpetuated in the news, in films and TV, on social media and by society in general. Rape myths often blame victims for their own assaults and help to create a culture that enables sexual violence to continue occurring.

It is important to recognise that we all probably subscribe to rape myths to some extent, even people who work in sexual violence prevention. Being aware of this and challenging our own entrenched thoughts is really important.

Look out for the posters on campus. Talk about them with your friends, class mates and colleagues. Did you believe this myth?


You can request posters to put up in your department by emailing


If you have been affected by sexual harassment or violence, you can contact Student Services via email or by calling 01225 383838, or come to the drop-in sessions in 4 West.

Alternatively, you can go to the SU Advice Centre in the Student Centre. You can also email them, call them on 01225 386906 or use the 'report an issue' button.

You will be believed. You will be taken seriously. You won't be pressured to make a formal report. When you talk to us, it is in confidence.

If you are a staff member supporting a student, you can call 4321 for advice and support. If you are a staff member who needs support themselves, you can access the Employee Assistance Programme or talk to your HR Business Partner.

Outside of the University, you can contact The Bridge, the Medical Centre, or the police directly.


Posted in: #NeverOK, University of Bath


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