ED&I Bystander Training

Posted in: #NeverOK, Campaign

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team is trialing new training sessions for staff in the coming weeks. These sessions will cover key ED&I themes including everyday sexism, micro-aggressions and bullying. You can register through the below links:

Monday 3rd December, Chancellor's Building 4.8, 13.00-15.00: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/edi-bystander-training-tickets-52521326702

Monday 10th December, Chancellor's Building 5.7, 13.15-15.15: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/edi-bystander-training-tickets-52959776116

More training sessions will be added in the New Year, so if you are unable to attend either of these options do not fret - there will be opportunities in the New Year!


ED&I Team


We have seen through the #NeverOK campaign, and the Universities UK taskforce report, how prevalent sexual harassment is on University campuses. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have shown us that this is not an issue occurring solely at Universities - it is pervasive in society.

This engaging, thought-provoking training course is significant part of The University of Bath's strategy to prevent sexual harassment. Participants will work through exercises that explore bystander behaviour, everyday sexism and gender roles. In this session we will also cover micro-aggressions, allowing participants to discover the big impact of the little things in everyday life.

We will conclude by looking at how we can be prosocial bystanders and an equality ally!


Posted in: #NeverOK, Campaign


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