Take part in the Astronomy Family Festival at Bath Abbey

Posted in: Doing Public Engagement

Bath Abbey are inviting students and researchers to share their work with a family audience at the Astronomy Family Festival.

The festival accompanies the Museum of the Moon art installation which is coming to the Abbey from 21st November to 27th December 2021.

A special evening event with bookable tickets from 6.30 – 9.00pm on one or two dates (tbc) on either a Sunday or weekday evening between 22nd November and 20th December. The tickets will be free to all, but bookable only, to ensure a steady flow of visitors (approximately 150 per hour).

At allocated points around the Abbey, table space will be given to presenters to talk to the public about their work and interests, ideally moon-related, but connected themes are welcome too. Hands-on demonstrations and equipment are particularly encouraged. The atmosphere of the event will be relaxed and informal, with a similar feel to the Bath Taps into Science festival.

The Museum of the Moon

Measuring seven metres in diameter, the moon features highly detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface. Each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 5km of the moon’s surface. More information can be found here: About (my-moon.org)

If you are interested in taking part in the Astronomy Family Festival please contact the Public Engagement Unit.

Posted in: Doing Public Engagement


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