Join the ParticipatoryResearch@Bath Team

Posted in: Leading Public Engagement

As we enter the second phase of the ParticipatoryResearch@Bath, we're on the hunt for someone to join the team and help deliver this project.


The ParticipatoryResearch@Bath project involves working with researcher and professional services staff at the University and local communities to develop and deliver a programme of activities to create sustained and sustainable change towards meaningfully involving citizens involvement in research. You can find out what we've been up to so far by visiting the ParticipatoryResearch@Bath web pages.

The role

In this role, you will be responsible, with the Deputy Head of Public Engagement, for the management and delivery of the ParticipatoryResearch@Bath project. You will have oversight of a range of activities, such as running training and professional development opportunities, managing a funding scheme, convening and facilitating discussions with community groups and commissioning inquiry-based research activities. The full details of the approach and activities can be found in the Phase Two ParticipatoryResearch@Bath Project Plan.

About you

You do not have to have done this sort of work before. We are looking for someone with an organised and flexible approach to managing projects, someone who believes in the value of participation, and with the ability to interact with people in a manner that builds mutually beneficial relationships.

How to apply

Applications for this post are via the University of Bath Recruitment Portal

We want everyone who believes they meet the person specification to feel comfortable and confident applying for it. It is our responsibility to make the application process accessible - if you require this pack or any further information that will support you applying in a different format or would like to apply in a different way, please email the Public Engagement Unit on

If you have any questions about the University or the Team, the role, the application process or the interviews, please contact us on to request an informal chat with Helen Featherstone, Head of Public Engagement or Dean Veall, Deputy Head of Public Engagement. Alternatively send us an email to sign up for a Zoom one-hour drop-in session on Wednesday 15 February at 11am.


We want our interview process to be rigorous, open and friendly. We will send interviewees our questions and the names of the panel members in advance of the interview (a mix of staff from the Public Engagement Unit, University of Bath academics and an external organisation). If you have any access needs for the interview, we will meet them.

Interviews will be held week beginning 13 March.

Job Pack

Check out the ParticipatoryResearch@Bath Project Manager job pack  for full details of the job description and person specification.


Dean Veall is Deputy Head of Public Engagement at the University of Bath

Posted in: Leading Public Engagement


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