Get involved in the Festival of Social Science 2023

Posted in: Doing Public Engagement

Do you have a public engagement activity or event in the works for Autumn 2023? Fancy being part of this year's Festival of Social Science?

As part of our new Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account, the University is now a partner and contributor to the Festival of Social Science, an exciting opportunity to showcase our leading social science research.

The Festival of Social Science

Running for the last 20 years, the Festival of Social Science is a UK-wide celebration of the social sciences supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Across four weeks in the Autumn (21 October to 17 November), social science researchers have the opportunity to deliver activities and events that engage audiences with their work, highlighting the value that social science research brings to our everyday lives.

Call for contributions

As this is our first year of participating in the Festival of Social Science, we're interested in finding out what activities and events may already be happening during the Festival. They could be workshops, exhibitions, talks, film screenings, a walk, to name a few examples. If you have something planned for the Autumn already, we'd love to hear about it and if you'd be interested in badging it as a Festival of Social Science event.

In exchange for having the event included in the programme, we can offer support, such as additional funding, marketing and resources to ensure your event is accessible and inclusive. There are, however, two eligibility criteria. First, any event or activity must target a non-academic public audience, and we mean this in the broadest sense. Second, the event must be about active research.

Want to get involved?  Take a few minutes to let us know about the activity or event by filling in our Festival of Social Science Call for Contribution form by Friday 5 May 2023, 5pm.

There will be more opportunities to get involved in the Festival, fear not, this isn’t the only chance to contribute to the programme. This stage is about understanding what might be already planned to help us plan other ways you can get involved.

Register your interest

If you've not got anything planned but would be interested in creating an activity or event for the Festival, then please register your interest using the Festival of Social Science Register of Interest form by Friday 5 May 2023, 5pm, and we'll be in touch to share further opportunities to get involved.

Dean Veall is Deputy Head of Public Engagement at the University of Bath

Posted in: Doing Public Engagement

Festival of Social Sciences Call for Contribution


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