
  • Developing your career as a member of Research Staff

    Our University is committed to conducting internationally-leading research of global significance and to being a centre of excellence for the development of postgraduate, postdoctoral and early career researchers. Our research strategy articulates our intention to grow research power through our...

  • The changing external environment for research

    It's an exceptionally interesting moment to be thinking about the future of research at our University. There is a lot of preparation remaining to be done for REF, but not much research. The vast majority of the research that we...

  • Ethical implications of internally-funded research

    You will know that our research has ethical implications. These may range from the very direct and specific requirements of doing research with human subjects, to working with disadvantaged communities, or animals, or in different cultural environments, to the uses...

  • REF 2021 preparations

    I believe that REF 2021 presents a great opportunity for the University of Bath to showcase the world leading impactful research conducted here. The quality of the research contribution of our staff is acknowledged and valued by the University and...

  • The Importance of Research Integrity and Research Ethics

    There are tasks that need to be done on an annual basis, some of which we like more than others. As we reach the final stages of approval for our annual statement on research integrity which has recently been considered...

  • UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships

    Our intention is to grow our research power. That is a challenge under the current testing circumstances, at a time of major change of Higher Education in the UK and with numerous uncertainties over the coming years. However, our intention...

  • 11th February happens every year!

    Colleagues, fellow researchers and research students In December 2015 the UN declared that the 11th of February each year should be the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science (http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/70/212). That's today! (Or, yesterday if you are reading...

  • UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    The United Nations has declared that 11th February of every year should be observed as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. That's this Saturday! The UN believes that equal access for women to and participation in Science and...

  • Funding for PhD students

    In twenty unbroken years of supervising PhD students at the University of Bath I have had always to be conscious of the recruitment challenge: to simultaneously identify both a student with the innate capability to gain a higher research degree,...

  • Doctoral...and International!

    I'm delighted that we are to recruit a Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Doctoral and International. We really need the additional senior-level support for our doctoral agenda - there are few topics which I consider as important, but despite having loads of help...