
  • Building and sustaining our international networks

      We are a part - a quarter, one might say - of a network of Universities spanning four continents, sometimes loosely referred to as the University of Four Continents or U4C. This network - with strategic partners Zhejiang University...

  • Where to with the Doctoral College?

    If you've been following Val's blog then you will know that both of us have had a lot of conversations across the University about the potential for a Doctoral College! Those conversations are still underway, and we have a lot...

  • Why research funding matters

    A major part of my responsibilities is to increase our research power. Research power and the associated reputational advantage is important at virtually all levels: attracting undergraduate and postgraduate students, early career researchers and established academics, research council funding, in...

  • Our world-leading research!

    Universities get known for their best research. That research will have some combination of factors which make it so: world-leading individual academic leaders, innovative and dynamic researchers at a range of career stages, topicality which makes the research significant for...

  • Improving our provision for Doctoral students

    As many of you will know, our new University Strategy will be firmly focused on establishing Bath as an international leader in graduate education, and on increasing our research power. Our Doctoral students will play a vital part in our...

  • Nurturing the next generation of researchers

    Many of you will know that the University intends to grow its graduate student population over the coming years. One part of that population, which is very significant for our research, is our body of doctoral students. These students fall...

  • Between summer and the year end...

    It really made my morning to wake up in a hotel in Taichung, Taiwan, yesterday morning to find Anna Gilmoreā€™s work on the actions of tobacco companies highlighted as a major story on page 6 of The China Post, which...