The Reflective Writing e-Learning project was launched officially on 1 December 2015 and is planned to run until the end of AY 2016/17. The main aim of the project is to develop a core e-learning module (customised by subject discipline) to raise awareness of, and provide new and enhanced support, to enable students (UG and PG) to develop their skills in reflective practice and reflective writing.
The project team plans to use this blog as a way of capturing their activities throughout the project and sharing their learning with the wider University community.
The cross-institutional project team, led by Professor Sally Clift, Associate Dean (Graduate) Studies and Project Director, comprises:
Sarah Turpin, Head of Academic Skills Resources, ASC - Project Manager
Jackie Dannatt, Writing Centre Leader, ASC - Core Content Author
Tim Ratcliffe, Pre-sessional General Course Leader, ASC - Core Content Author
Vic Jenkins, e-Learning Consultant, Scriptive Limited - Lead Developer and Project Consultant
Dr Emma Rich, Reader, Dept. for Health - Subject Expert
Dr Jessica Francombe-Webb, Lecturer, Dept. for Health - Academic content Expert
Dr Richard Joiner, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology - Academic content Expert
Dr Andrea Taylor, Director of Studies, Dept. of Pharmacy & Pharmacology - Academic content Expert
Dr Christine Edmead, Senior Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Pharmacy & Pharmacology - Academic content Expert
Dr Gan Shermer, Senior Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Chemistry - Academic content Expert
Dr Mark Evernden, Lecturer, Dept. of Architecture & Civil Engineering - Academic content Expert
Dr Robin Shields, Senior Lecturer, School of Management - Academic content Expert
Sam Chaffey, Bath Award Manager, Students' Union - Content Expert
Marie Salter, e-Learning Development Manager, e-Learning team, LTE) - technical and pedagogical development
Tracey Madden, Learning Enhancement Advisor, Faculty of Engineering & Design - technical and pedagogical development
Kevin Renfrew, Learning Technologist, ASC - technical and pedagogical development
The project’s objectives are:
- To develop a core e-Learning module (45 minutes duration maximum) across a minimum of six academic disciplines (and potentially the Bath Award) in order to introduce students to the concept of reflective practice, in the broadest sense, and the fundamental characteristics of reflective writing within their specific subject/learning context.
- To pilot the developed e-Learning modules with students, in Semesters 1 and 2, academic year 2016-17, in order to evaluate their effectiveness in both meeting the learning objectives of the different academic programmes and to obtain feedback on this learning approach from students to inform future developments.
- To explore the development process and tools/technologies in order to refine a project methodology that enables a Professional Service to work in partnership with the academic community to produce e-Learning that is sustainable and easy to re-purpose by them.
Project Deliverables
- Short desk-based research report providing overview of existing online learning materials on reflective writing within the higher education sector
- Evaluation of a range of technology tools for e-Learning to identify the most appropriate and effective to meet the objectives of this project
- A core e-Learning module (45 minutes duration) across a minimum of six academic disciplines (and potentially the Bath Award) introducing students to the concept of reflective practice and reflective writing customisable with subject-specific examples and some additional content
- Evaluation of e-Learning modules through piloting process with both students and staff
- Key learning captured in end-of-project report from development process for wider dissemination across the institution to inform future e-Learning activities.
Further information: Sarah Turpin, Project Manager, ext 4355