The Social Media Review of the Week (26.10)

Posted in: Review of the Week

Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.

News about student experience

The University's social media activity supported the events taking place for 'One World Week'; part of the extended welcome programme from Student Services. The University promoted activities for the programme to boost attendance and showcase the University's diversity. This post on Twitter was seen by 1,855 individuals.

News about our student recruitment

The University's social media accounts used #UNDay, an event to celebrate the foundation of the UN, to promote its placement opportunities. This post, highlighting a blog from a student on placement to the UN, was seen by 2,531 individuals.

News about our research

The University's social media interviewed Dr Maria Garcia on the latest Brexit developments, posting a video and blog on Facebook. This post reached 6,579 people.


News about public engagement

The central social media accounts posted about the University's involvement with the Bath Digital Festival. This tweet was seen by 2,964 users.

News from our social media community

The University shared a number of photographs from its Instagram users, following a series of spectacular sunsets around campus. This post had a reach of 5,722 users.

Posted in: Review of the Week


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