Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.
News about our student recruitment
The University shared a video and blog about the city of Bath created by one of our student bloggers, Ellie. This post reached 13,775 people.
News about student experience
Next week is Be Well Week, run by Student Services. We created an event for Be Well Week on Facebook and it received 5,970 views.
News about our research
The University shared an article on Facebook about a recent research discovery. This post reached 6,623 people.
News about public engagement
As the Bath Half Marathon is this weekend, a video was created featuring Jean-Philippe Walhin, Research Fellow in Health, giving advice on running a marathon. This tweet reached 1,446 people.
News from our community
The University shared a photo from our School of Management celebrating International Women's Day on Instagram. This post reached 4,806 people.