The Social Media Review of the Week (26.4)

Posted in: Review of the Week

Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.

News about our student recruitment

We shared a recruitment video for our sport science courses. This video was watched on 3,900 occasions.

News about student experience

University of Bath Student Women's Engineering Society and Bath University Rocket Team hosted a rocket-building workshop for students in local primary schools. We filmed a video of one of our students talking about the workshop, which reached 7,020 people.

News about our research

A documentary exploring University research into diamond mining in Sierra Leone won a national award last week. The University promoted this, with the post reaching 4,451 people.

News about public engagement

We shared a tweet about the University's involvement in Pint of Science event, reached 1,809 people.

News from our community

Student group Aquapella hosted a takeover on our Instagram account to discuss their work. Video and photos from the takeover were seen on 60,000 occasions.

Posted in: Review of the Week


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