Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.
News about our student recruitment
The University shared a marketing video to Facebook about life as a PGT student here at Bath. The video reached 6,454 people and received 2,900 views.
News about student experience
The University shared a blog written by student graduate Jonathan as he looked back over his time at University. This resulted in 200 visitors to the blog.
News about our research
The University shared information on the latest research by Rob Branston into tobacco pricing. This post reached 2,890 people on Twitter.
News about public engagement
The University shared a photo of PhD Student Reham Saleem undertaking 'Soapbox Science'; a public engagement event in Bristol. This reached 5,114 people on Twitter.
News from our community
On Twitter, the University shared a video of the lightning on campus. This reached 5,707 people and gained 691 views.