Question 20

Posted in: Beams

Here is question for all of you retaking Structures 2 in September 2013

Imagine you are assessing the interesting cantilever beam arrangement shown below, you have conclude that the moment capacity of the supports is adequate but you are worried about the overall deflection at the very end of the structure. Both cantilever beams are of the same length and have the same EI value of 20 MN.m2.
By formulating a suitable compatibility equation and through using Flexibility analysis determine the deflection at C.
This is  a bit easier than a  standard  exam  question  but   would carry  about  50-60 % of the available marks.
Imagine you are assessing the interesting cantilever beam arrangement shown below, you have conclude that the moment capacity of the supports is adequate but you are worried about the overall deflection at the very end of the structure. Both cantilever beams are of the same length and have the same EI value of 20 MN.m2. - ( sorry  i cant get  wordpress to  make squared)
By formulating a suitable compatibility equation and through using Flexibility analysis determine the deflection at C.
This is  a bit easier than a  standard  exam  question  but   would carry  about  50-60 % of the available marks.
HINTS coming soon!
  1. Firstly read through the solution for Q4! It  uses the same analysis technique.
  2. Draw yourself a primary  structure and a Unit load structure

Posted in: Beams


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