October 2014

  • Question 23

    3-D Bending moment and torsion diagrams are never easy, so practice makes perfect.   Having sketched the bending moment and torsion diagram for the structure above determine the moments and torsion acting on the base of the structure Submit your...

  • A quick question to make you think

    You are sitting in a rowing boat in a small pond, you have an unopened  can of baked beans with you. If you throw the  can (which sinks)  into the pond what happens to the level of the water in...

  • Structures 2 Students: read this!

    Dear All I will be teaching  you AR20389 Structures 2 from week  4- 11. I will cover several methods of  structural  analysis that  you  need to use in later  courses  in order to  determine  moments and  forces developed in a...