My VIP Experience
I have now been a Vertically Integrated Project - VIP - member since September 2021, and I thought it might be useful to document some of my experiences. I am in a team of 11 other people from multiple backgrounds and subjects, who are aiming to improve student wellbeing in Bath. Our team is run by Psychologist Richard Joiner.
Bath City Centre - Pulteney Weir
We meet weekly for 1-2 hours a week and are currently looking at analysing data alike the relationship between physical activity, wellness and loneliness. Within the groups, there will be different roles such as a scribe and group lead (this can be changed each semester). Everyone is really lovely, and each VIP group seems to get on really well and work efficiently as a team.
Lots of opportunities have arisen from being a VIP member such as new contacts and the opportunity to present to a panel about the Bath to 5K. There are also many different VIP groups, so everyone can get involved with different topics depending on what takes their own interests. Becoming a VIP member was very easy, and the University of Bath helped the process to be very easy and welcoming, I would recommend it. I also really like how the team is not hierarchal, and that everyone is able to have their own say and influence. I have loved getting to know my team and making an active difference to the city of Bath and can’t wait to see what is coming this semester.