Technical staff play an essential role in supporting and carrying out teaching at the University. I’m determined for this to be more widely appreciated, and to change the perception of technical staff to that of a group of skilled professionals. This in part means technicians demonstrating their skills through professional registration.

The Bath Scheme enables all staff to gain Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship from Advance HE in recognition of their teaching, supervision and/or learning support. It would be great to see technical staff gaining fellowship in recognition of their contribution to the teaching activities of the University.

You can apply for HEA Fellowship in one of three categories depending on your role and the range of your teaching, supervision and/or learning support activities:

  • Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
  • Fellow (FHEA)
  • Senior Fellow (SFHEA)

There will be an introductory workshop specifically for technical staff to find out more about this on Wednesday 8 May, 10.15am – 12.05pm, CB4.9.

Whether directly involved with teaching, advising students, supporting student projects in any way or custodian of a lab this is an opportunity for technical staff to find out more about what is involved. The workshop will be led by Dr Rachael Carkett PFHEA (Bath Scheme Director) and will explain what ‘teaching and supporting learning’ actually means, help you discover how you do this in your role and how you could use this to develop an application for fellowship/associate fellowship.

Posted in: Events, Professional registration, Recognition

Register for the workshop here


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