As the Technicians' Conference is now approaching fast you will need to be thinking about producing the posters for your department. In order to do help you in doing this, please see the hints below, and also the copy of the presentation made at the workshop.

Your poster should give an idea of who your department is and what you do. Some ideas to get you started may be:

  • An organisational structure outlining who staff are and what their role is
  • Projects that have been, or could be completed within the department
  • What equipment is available in, how it is used and by whom
  • ‘A day in the life of… department’

This is your opportunity to promote yourselves to other technicians, your departments and the University as a whole, so make the most of it!

Design pointers

  1. The posters should be A0 size (841 x 1189 mm) in portrait orientation
  2. Choose a colour scheme and stick to it. Too many colours is distracting. Likewise, pick one or two fonts.
  3. Avoid using a picture or diagram as a background to your poster, it can make it difficult to read
  4. Keep your poster mostly picture or graphics with small blocks of text.
  5. The poster should be easy to read from 5m away, so think big.
  6. Generally if the text can be read when the whole poster is printed at A4 size, it is big enough
  7. Use high quality pictures or graphics. Smaller pictures can pixilate or go fuzzy when expanded.

Printing the posters

Posters can be submitted to Imaging, Design & Print Services for printing.

Please see their web page:

Please use ‘Technicians’ Conference’ as a reference when submitting the poster for printing, and email to let us know. Once printed we will collect all of the posters from print services and put them up ready.

Please submit your poster for printing before 30 May.

If you have any questions or comments regarding posters please contact Judith Brown on

Posted in: Recognition, Technician Commitment, Technician Experiences, Visibility

View the poster workshop PowerPoint presentation


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