We're moving rapidly towards our self-assessment submission date in December, and pleased to say our self-assessment and action plan are now almost complete and awaiting approval from the University Executive Board. Our action plan is directly drawn from feedback from technicians, technical mangers and senior management and provides a robust route to addressing the key themes of the Technician Commitment: visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability. You'll be able to access the self-assessment and action plan here when it is published at the start of December.

To oversee this work we've formed a steering group comprising representatives from around the University, so do get in touch with any of them if you have any questions. Details of the Technician Commitment Steering Group can be found on this page.

Bath Scheme success

We've already made progress towards the recognition of technical staff via the Bath Scheme, which provides an accredited route to HEA Fellowship/Associate Fellowship in recognition of contribution to teaching and/or supporting learning.

Over the summer the first member of technical staff at the University achieved Fellowship through the Bath Scheme, and another technician has recently submitted their application for Associate Fellowship. A number of other applications are already in the pipeline, so we look forward to seeing more technical staff being recognised for how their work supports teaching and learning at the University in the future.

If you want to find out more about the Bath Scheme, I've been appointed as champion for technical staff, so get in touch!

GW4 celebrates five years

The GW4 partnership - the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter - recently celebrated five years of research collaboration. All four Universities are signatories to the Technician Commitment. Anneke Lubben, Head of MC2, spoke at the anniversary event on the importance of collaboration in support of technicians and Research Technical Professionals, and the VCs of all four institutions all expressed their support for encouraging cross-institutional working to raise the profile of technical staff.

Posted in: Recognition, Technician Commitment


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