Recently, HEaTED ran a competition for technicians to win free access to a selection of health and safety courses. On offer were courses relating to the safe use of dry ice, liquid nitrogen and gas cylinders.

I was delighted to hear that 5 of our technicians won free access to the courses on offer! Congratulations to Craig Bayliss, Sarah Hunter, Mark Thomas, Rosa Macey, and Silvia Martinez Micol! I hope you find the courses useful.

HEaTED arranges specialist CPD opportunities for technical staff working in higher education. As a member institution we enjoy discounted rates on courses, free access to networking opportunities with technicians from around the country and other resources. HEaTED relaunched last year and have been refreshing what they offer. New courses are being added all the time, and if there is something that you'd like to see offered, get in touch to let them know. You can also follow HEaTED on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook for updates on the latest courses and events.

Posted in: Career development

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