Friday 27th April 2018 saw the WISE CDT hold its annual Industry Day, and we were delighted to be hosted by Arup at their offices in Bristol. About 45 PhD students from Cohorts 1-3 displayed posters which presented their latest research findings, and the 16 students from Cohort 4, who are completing the Postgraduate School phase of the programme, joined us to see what their more senior colleagues have been doing. A number of academic supervisors were present, and we were very pleased to welcome representatives from about 30 industrial companies and water stakeholder institutions. Amongst our external guests were colleagues from water utilities, contracting companies, the professional water institutions, the research councils, and a recruitment agency specialising in the water sector. In particular we were delighted to welcome Mark Fletcher, the global lead on water for Arup, who took a day away from his holiday to be with us. This level of support is extremely important and a very strong endorsement of the WISE CDT programme. The event served as a showcase for the talent pool and impressive research being generated by the WISE CDT, and the students did a very professional job representing both themselves and the CDT to great effect. As a result of such events we have been increasing our industrial engagement, in the form of collaborative project development, and increasingly co-funding of projects, and internships. This was an extremely positive and encouraging event in light of the current renewal bid which is with EPSRC – fingers crossed that they agree! Many thanks to Marta Szlachta and Debbie Ford for their work in the background, and colleagues at Arup, for making the event possible.
