In September 2018, Olivia Cooke attended the 13th British Hydrological Society National Symposium at the University of Westminster in London. The BHS conference was a two day conference and was entitled ‘Hydrology: Advances in theory and practice’ and focussed on the major themes of ‘Hydrology and sediment systems’, ‘Hydrology and ecosystem services’ and ‘Hydroecology’.
The programme of sessions included numerous talks throughout the two days with parallel sessions running and included topics from hydrometric data to modelling to flood hydrology to hydroloecology and sediment and habitat research. A poster session ran throughout the two days of talks as well.
The BHS symposium was well-attended by members and non-members of the BHS alike and included academics, consultants and people from industry and provided great opportunities for discussion and networking, as well as attending some interesting and varied topics.
Olivia presented her work at the end of the first day on her PhD work “Assessment and mitigation of storm runoff loads from an informal settlement (slum)” in the Droughts, Low flows and Resources presentation session. At the end of the conference Olivia was awarded the prize for the best presentation of the BHS symposium presented by President of the BHS, Peter Ede (Technical Director, Mott Macdonald).