Olivia Bailey from WISE CDT conducted a research visit at TU Delft in the Netherlands between January-May 2019. Olivia joined the New Urban Water Transport Systems (NUWTS) project which has huge support from water companies, consultancies and local governments working within the Dutch water sector.
This collaboration with Prof. Jan Peter van der Hoek and Dr. Ljiljana Zlatanovic has furthered the development of an integrated water cycle model to observe the effects of future water use scenarios on the urban water cycle. Throughout this visit Olivia has also been collaborating with WaterNet, the water company of Amsterdam, who have provided crucial data to further validate the sewer model that Olivia has been developing throughout her PhD. The research visit has also facilitated the organisation of a large sewer water quality monitoring campaign that will allow validation of the water quality component of Olivia’s sewer model. This campaign will give insights to how wastewater concentration varies throughout the day in an upstream sewer network. It is expected that the work carried out during this time will lead to a number of collaborative research papers.
Olivia says: ‘Visiting TU Delft has been the cherry on top of my PhD cake, I feel really proud of what I have achieved. The knowledge and data gained through this visit has really helped to advance the robustness of the last three years of work. Of course it has also been a great opportunity to improve my cycling proficiency!’
Olivia will give a webinar about her research for the IChemE Water Special Interest Group on the 9th May. The webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, please register here! Olivia has also just published a paper in the Journal of Hydrology entitled ‘Developing a Stochastic Sewer Model to Support Sewer Design under Water Conservation Measures’.