Olivia Bailey: Sewer Processes and Networks Conference in Denmark and IWA Resource Recovery Conference in Venice

Posted in: Waste water collection and treatment, WIRC @ Bath, WISE CDT

Sewer Processes and Networks Conference (SPN9) in Aalborg

Olivia Bailey, a WISE PhD researcher based within WIRC, recently visited the 9th Sewer Processes and Networks Conference (SPN9) in Aalborg, Denmark to present her paper ‘Predicting Impacts of Water Conservation with a Stochastic Sewer Model’. This paper should the resulting impacts on wastewater flow and quality amounting from water conservation scenarios as predicted using a stochastic sewer model that she has developed and validated throughout her PhD work within the WISE CDT. This work has been primarily supervised by Prof. Jan Hofman and Dr. Tom Arnot of WIRC and external/industry supervison has been provided by Dr. Mirjam Blokker (KWR, NL), and Prof. Zoran Kapelan (TU Delft, NL).
This conference bought together sewer enthusiasts from all over the world to talk about the current state and future of our sewer systems. We saw a wide range of presentations showcasing new sensors, models and techniques to better understand our sewers and cutting edge sewer designs to cope with extreme weather events. Rich discussions were had about how sewer discharges are changing, from introducing food waste to wet cremation and ‘un’-flushables. The stimulating technical programme was matched with an equally exciting social programme where participants got to sample locally brewed beers and throw axes in the robber themed feast lost in the forest!

IWA Resource Recovery (IWARR) Conference in Venice 

This September, Olivia Bailey, a WISE/WIRC researcher visited the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery (IWARR) Conference in Venice, Italy to present work amounting from a collaboration with her colleagues at TU Delft, Netherlands. Conference plenary sessions were given by some of the most influential people in the world of resource recovery from wastewater, including Mark Van Loosdrecht (TU Delft), Willy Verstreate (U. Ghent), Miriam Otoo (International Water Management Institute) and Paul O’callaghan (BlueTech Research). This conference painted a promising picture for how the world is transforming into an increasingly circular place, where wastes are no longer considered that way but valued for the potential they have. No conference in Venice would be complete without a ferry ride to a masked banquet where 18th century musicians and dancers were on hand to teach us how to relax ‘Venice style’.

Posted in: Waste water collection and treatment, WIRC @ Bath, WISE CDT


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