Professor Luuk from TU Delft will discuss research conducted at TU Delft on advanced treatment technologies for water reclamation in our monthly WIRC Colloquium seminar series in November.

Title: Research on advanced treatment technologies for water reclamation

Speaker: Luuk Rietveld from TU Delft

Where: 6 East Building, room 2.1

Water scarcity and environmental pollution is an increasing problem all over the world. Therefore, there is an urgent need for advanced treatment for water reclamation to supply the industrial and agricultural sector. This decreases the competition between drinking water supply and water supply to the other sectors and decreases of the environment. In order to establish water reclamation at a large scale a paradigm shift is needed in terms of (urban) planning and conventional treatment schemes have to be reconsidered. TU Delft, department of Water Management works on ceramic membrane modification for direct wastewater treatment and alternative adsorption of organic micro-pollutants based on zeolites to contribute to the development of future water infrastructures. In addition, efforts are made to implement water reclamation in less privileged  countries.

About the speaker: Luuk Rietveld is professor of Drinking Water & Urban Water Cycle Technology since 2010. He is also Chairman of the Department of Water Management.
After finalizing his studies Civil Engineering at TU Delft in 1987, he worked until 1991 as lecturer Sanitary Engineering at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique. Since 1991 he has been working at TU Delft as expert international co-operation, lecturer and assistant, associate and full professor. The research activities focus on integration and innovation in the Urban Water Cycle and Drinking Water supply with special interests on water quality and treatment, water reclamation, water & IT, water and sanitation for the poor.



Posted in: Waste water collection and treatment, Water supply from source to tap, WIRC @ Bath


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