EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering
WISE Industry Day 2017
On the 17th March 2017, the WISE CDT held a successful Industry Day which brought together its PhD students with major organisations from the water industry and hydraulic engineering hosted by HR Wallingford, an independent engineering organisation that specialises in...
Special WIRC PhD Colloquium
At this special WIRC colloquium, we are exicted to introduce Mr Qiang Chen and Miss Olivia Cooke, both PhD students at the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bath. When Thursday 16th February 2017 at 1.15pm Where Room...
Project planning in Stellenbosch
Dr Lee Bryant, member of the Architecture and Civil Engineering Water, Environment and Infrastructure Research (WEIR) and WIRC @ Bath groups, visited the University of Stellenbosch Water Institute (near Cape Town, South Africa) on October 29 through November 4, 2015....
WISE CDT overview in Water Active
Dr Tom Arnot, a Co-Director, provides an overview of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) in the latest issue of Water Active. The Centre is a newly funded and innovative research venture...