EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering

  • WISE Industry Day 2017

    On the 17th March 2017, the WISE CDT held a successful Industry Day which brought together its PhD students with major organisations from the water industry and hydraulic engineering hosted by HR Wallingford, an independent engineering organisation that specialises in...

  • Special WIRC PhD Colloquium

    At this special WIRC colloquium, we are exicted to introduce Mr Qiang Chen and Miss Olivia Cooke, both PhD students at the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bath. When Thursday 16th February 2017 at 1.15pm Where Room...

  • Project planning in Stellenbosch

    Dr Lee Bryant, member of the Architecture and Civil Engineering Water, Environment and Infrastructure Research (WEIR) and WIRC @ Bath groups, visited the University of Stellenbosch Water Institute (near Cape Town, South Africa) on October 29 through November 4, 2015....

  • WISE CDT overview in Water Active

    Dr Tom Arnot, a Co-Director, provides an overview of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) in the latest issue of Water Active. The Centre is a newly funded and innovative research venture...