Don't ruin your career in 140 characters...

Posted in: Tips & Hints

This Saturday, as part of our Careers Prep in a Day event we will be running a session on using social media to develop your career. Seriously, who could have predicted a decade ago that social media would be such an integral part of our day-to-day lives? The rise of social media is both a god send and a threat to potential job seekers. This article from the Guardian makes for excellent reading providing valuable insights on how to get social media right and what to avoid to get it completely wrong!


With the ever-increasing prevalence of online social networking tools; it is now more important than ever to think about the image or brand that you would like to project, both online and in the real world. We wrote a series of articles on Personal Branding, using Twitter to boost your job hunt and how to use LinkedIn effectively. They are worth a read if you missed them when they were first published.


Posted in: Tips & Hints


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