HPC Symposium 2019 - Abstract Submission

Posted in: Advancing Research Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Research

Abstract submissions for this year's HPC Symposium is now open

>>> Abstract Submission Form <<<

We would like to invite submissions for talks and the flash poster presentations on all aspects of HPC-orientated research, including (but not limited to):

  • HPC driven research in all disciplines
  • Code parallelisation and algorithm development
  • Experiences with tools/libraries and the scalability of computational codes
  • Experiences with accelerator hardware (e.g. GPUs, FPGAs)

This is an exciting opportunity for students and researchers across the University to network and share their experiences of using High Performance Computing for their research. We particularly welcome submissions from graduate students, the HPC symposium is a great opportunity to present in an informal and friendly setting.

On the day prizes will be awarded for the best contributions who demonstrate how the use of HPC has made an impact on their research.

There will be two kinds of contributions for the symposium:

  • Contributed talk: 15 min (12 + 3 mins questions) presentation
  • A poster plus accompanying "flash" presentation (maximum 1 slide and 3 min talk)

How to submit an abstract

We have changed how abstract are submitted this year. This will now be via a Microsoft Form, see the link below. Please note, you may be asked to sign in with your University credentials (e.g. abc123@bath.ac.uk).

Abstract Submission Form

The deadline for submitting an abstract is Friday 17th May.

Symposium Registration

All attendees will need to register for this free event so we know numbers for catering and the pizza reception.

To secure your place you can register via our Eventbrite link here: https://bath-hpc-symposium-2019.eventbrite.co.uk.


We look forward to receiving your contribution and to see you at the Symposium,
The Symposium Organising Committee

Posted in: Advancing Research Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Research


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