HPC Symposium 2019 - Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions for this year's HPC Symposium is now open >>> Abstract Submission Form <<< We would like to invite submissions for talks and the flash poster presentations on all aspects of HPC-orientated research, including (but not limited to): HPC...
HPC ClusterVision Studentship Workshop
Three PhD students who are sponsored by ClusterVision will be presenting their current research in a half-day workshop next week. The programme, along with titles of their talks can be found below. This invite is open to all. If you...
Bath 6th Annual HPC Symposium - 12th June 2017
We are looking forward to the 6th Annual Symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC) in just a few days time, on Monday, 12th June 2017, over in the Chancellors' Building. We have had 63 registrations from staff and students across the...
EPSRC launches six new Tier2 HPC Centres
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has just launched six new High Performance Computational (HPC) Centres, worth a combined £20 million, at the Thinktank Science museum in Birmingham. These new Tier2 regional centres are aimed at supporting both...