PhD Opportunities
Interested in the work we do? Want to join the group?
We're always on the lookout for new people to join the group. The atomic manipulation group, and the larger nano-science group, at Bath are excellent places to begin a scientific career. They are welcoming, supportive and have a broad cross-section of people from UGs project students to more senior Profs with a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
Within the atomic manipulation group there now (Nov 2013) two PhD projects on offer:
PhD Position #1: Atomic-scale construction of an artificial neuron
The tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) can manipulate individual atoms and molecules on a surface with atomic precision. We will use, and investigate, a new form of atomic manipulation that is being pioneered at Bath – nonlocal manipulation. We will use this technique to construct and characterise an atomic scale linear p-n junction that will mimic the electrical properties of a neuron.
Further details see link
For more information contact Dr Peter Sloan ( or Dr Alain Nogaret (
PhD Position #2: Mapping the internal workings of a single molecule
The ultimate building blocks of matter are atoms and molecules, if we can control these we can truly build from the bottom up. This project will use a unique combination of state-of-the-art scanning tunnelling microscopy and advanced control software to explore and understand the delicate interplay between electrons and molecules in industrially relevant systems.
Further details see link
For more information contact Dr Peter Sloan (
Funding is available and (as ever) a strong CV and targeted application really improves the chance of success. But in the first instance get in touch and we'll see what's what.