What do Bath Graduates Do?

Posted in: Labour Market Intelligence


We’re in the middle of sending out questionnaires to 2013/14 Bath graduates for the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey and it made me wonder whether current students are aware of the survey and how they can make use of the vast amount of information we collect.

We are required to obtain at least an 80% response rate from our UK full time graduates and we compile downloadable leaflets for first degree programmes detailing What do Bath graduates do? Why not have a look at the leaflet for your course and see if it gives you any inspiration? There may be career paths you didn't know were possible with your subject and companies you had never thought to target. The data we collect contributes to national statistics and is published as What do graduates do?

Six months after you graduate we will be in touch to ask what YOU are doing after your studies at Bath. Your input will benefit Bath students and the University as a whole so please take a minute to complete the questionnaire.

Posted in: Labour Market Intelligence


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