Finding a Job other than a “Graduate Scheme”
Finding a Job other than a “Graduate Scheme” So, you have applied to several graduate schemes but have not been successful or perhaps you have not had the time to apply, or maybe you are not interested in applying...
Are you considering postgraduate study?
According to HEFCE, in 2011-12 there were 501,330 postgraduate students studying in institutions in England and Northern Ireland, a 50% growth in the market. These last few weeks, we have seen an increase in the number of students coming in...
Graduate Opportunities in the South West.....
According to Gradsouthwest.com, the South West enjoys higher than average employment and was recently judged to be the happiest place to work. Good news so far. So what opportunities are available to you when you graduate? The following illustrates the range of employers based here:...
Democracy Day - Have you thought of a career in Politics?
Today across the BBC, Democracy Day is marked with special programmes looking at democracy in the UK and across the globe. The 20th January 1265 is widely recognised as the day England's first parliament was held. This year also sees...
What do Bath Graduates Do?
We’re in the middle of sending out questionnaires to 2013/14 Bath graduates for the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey and it made me wonder whether current students are aware of the survey and how they can make use of...
Have you thought of a career in Human Rights?
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and...
Science careers: options, job hunting and how to succeed!
From audiologists to astrophysicists, there are a variety of fascinating careers in science which combine analytical thinking with creativity. Whether you wish to help patients learn to hear or solve the mysteries of the universe, there is something to suit...
Common career dilemmas we've heard this term!
Some of us were talking about the most common things we have heard this term from students in our drop-in’s along with helpful hints that we may give to individuals in that situation. “I am not sure what I want...