October 2015
Win £100 of Netflix and help Bath Careers at the same time!
Your Careers Service needs your feedback to continue to give you excellent careers support. This year we’re taking part in the trendence survey, one of the UK’s largest student surveys, and their reports will tell us how satisfied you are with...
New books in our Careers Library!
Did you know that we have a small reference library of carefully selected career books in the Careers Service? Come in and have a browse and a read, or find a list of what’s in stock in our on-line catalogue. Newly...
Do you worry you are not good enough?
During the summer I was privileged to hear the author and careers coach John Lees give a talk on surviving change to a conference of Higher Education careers staff. He is someone who I have admired for the simple truth...
Get your career organised!
I read a fabulous blog post the other day, from the Thesis Whisperer. For any of you engaged in writing dissertations or theses, this excellent blog is pretty much a must-read. But the post I read resonated so much with...
I have to admit it, my heart sinks a little when someone says to me that they have brought in their 'general CV'. I'm always happy to look at CVs - every one is different, and I learn so many...