March 2020
Future skills for researchers
As the current climate provides an ideal space (and excuse!) to listen to podcasts, I spent some time this morning listening to and reflecting on this podcast by Vitae and Taylor and Francis on the skills researchers will need in...
I was on placement, but now I’m working from home – HELP!
Like thousands of people across the country, the Careers Team have had to quickly adjust their working practices to working from home. Here I outline how we’ve adapted to the situation and hope it will offer you some ideas if...
COVID-19 and Your Career
Now here’s a blog post I couldn’t have predicted I’d be writing. Like most of you and my colleagues, I have found the last few days really unsettling, we’ve had to fundamentally change how we work and all of us...
So what did you do in Spring 2020 ? Interview questions in the post-Covid19 world
I’m writing this in mid March 2020. I don’t have a crystal ball…but all things must and will pass. At some point, hopefully not in the too distant future, we will be at least be gradually “coming out the other...
Gaps on your CV and how to explain them
It is perfectly acceptable to have gaps in your CV. Just be aware that if you ignore them, the employer might assume you are hiding something shameful. Instead, go in with an open and honest attitude and be willing to...
FAQ The Careers Service and Covid-19
FAQ Careers Service and Covid-19 We in the Careers Service understand that the current current Covid-19 situation is making many students and graduates feel uneasy and worried about their future, both in the UK and also abroad. Therefore please see...
International Careers in the UN, and private sector companies in Singapore & Dubai: Our Careers Service Ambassador John Smith attended the alumni panel talk and this is what he found out…
All alumni presenting initially studied at the School of Management. They all began with an internship and progressed to full-time roles. Some have worked in 3-4 countries before moving to Singapore or Dubai. Singapore Application Process Mainly application and interview-based...
Presenting your soft skills: Convince them of your capabilities
Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are mentioned on almost every cover letter and personal statement we see. You can imagine that recruiters get the same déjà vu. Meeting their criteria is essential but sometimes it isn’t enough to keep them...
Preparing for and succeeding in an online assessment centre
In the wake of the Corona Virus, we have become aware some graduate recruiters are moving away from inviting candidates to a physical assessment centre. Recruiters are using tools such as Skype and Microsoft teams whereas others are using Virtual...