Finding part time work-life balance.

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While studying at university you may also like to take up a part time job. There are many reasons why a part-time job might benefit you, for example, it provides you with extra income to cover additional expenses while you study at university. Part time work also provides an outlet away from studying to socialise with different people and make friends outside of campus life. Another benefit of part time work is that it can help to boost your CV and provide a useful reference for when you apply for jobs after graduation.  

The benefits of part-time work. 

Speaking from my own experience, part-time work offered much more than just financial incentives, but an opportunity to gain skills and experience for life after university. While studying for my undergraduate degree I had two jobs, I worked part time flexible hours as a Widening Participation Ambassador and 16 hours a week as a nanny. Managing my work diary around my study commitments certainly developed my time management skills. Through my work as a Widening Participation Ambassador, I gained valuable insight into university events and supporting students. These skills have been so valuable to my career progression and led me to pursue a career in higher education.   

Financial commitments  

With the current rise in the cost of living for many students, it may be essential to earn more money while studying. The University of Manchester’s Cost of Living report found that 32 percent of their students work part time, and 59 percent are currently seeking work. If financial concerns are your main reason for taking up part time work or increasing your working hours, please remember to check out the wide range of scholarships and bursaries offered by the university.  

Final thoughts  

There are many benefits to working alongside your studies. Skills gained through part-time work may positively impact your university experience and future career. However, it is important to remember that your studies are equivalent to a full time job, doing this alongside extra work is effectively working two jobs. You need to remember to take time for yourself and ask for support when needed. For more advice about managing part time, work check out the Student Unions’ part-time working tips. If you are finding working and academic life difficult to manage there ae a range of support services available on both the SU wellbeing page and the Student Money Advice page.   


Posted in: Tips & Hints, Uncategorized


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