part-time work
Selling your part-time work experience to employers
I've seen a few students recently who have asked 'but are employers really interested in my job in a bar/shop/restaurant?' While some sectors will require relevant work experience, UK graduate employers value any experience that gives you insight into the...
Increase Your Resilience During Your Degree
Resilience – how to increase your resilience during your degree Employers are increasingly saying that resilience is a key skill they are looking for in an applicant. We are living in a world that changes, sometimes dramatically, the Covid-19 pandemic...
Finding a job in mental health - boosting your skills whilst a student
We often get queries from students wanting to boost their CV with additional and often costly courses or experiences that they find online or to do during holidays. Students often forget that there are lots of relevant and transferable skills...
Are you getting paid the new living wage?
The Government’s National Living Wage was introduced on 1st April. For students and graduates over the age of 25 this means by law you should be being paid at least £7.20 per hour. For more information about how this might...