Career Choice
My story: working internationally - broadening your horizons
Broadening your horizons – working internationally Working abroad can be an incredible experience. I have worked in three different countries; USA, UK and Norway (I am Norwegian) and I have volunteered teaching English in China and Argentina. I have had...
Should you leave your career planning to chance?
I have been seeing a lot of finalists lately and broadly two 'types' of students emerge: those of you with a clear plan for what you’re going to do after graduation and those of you trying to plan life after...
How to make the most of "your careers service".
We are really looking forward to welcoming you at Bath. I understand amid all the excitement you may also have moments of being nervous about this stage of your life. I thought I would pen some hints and tips about...
Beyond the Lab: Developing your Industrial Biotechnology Career
An interesting blog worth reading from the University of Bath's Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies: Beyond the Lab: Developing your Industrial Biotechnology Career
Procrastination is the perfect ingredient for anxiety...
Is this you: You have an essay deadline looming A mountain of exam revision to do Deadlines to apply for placements / graduate job / PG course (delete as appropriate) Yet you find yourself making endless cups of tea, which...
When's a good time to see a careers adviser?
If you're feeling bogged down by deadlines and revision, you're probably thinking you don't even have time to read this, but here's a very quick quiz to help you decide if/when it might help you to talk to a careers...
Choosing between career options
I've spoken to quite a few people recently who have said something on the lines of 'I'm considering career option x, but I'm also interested in option y; how do I know which is right for me?' If you're feeling this...