Skype Interview Etiquette
A few days back, I did a practice interview via Skype with a client, all was going well except I was rather distracted by a less than professional poster on the clients wall and that the candidate was wearing what looked...
Ability or empathy - what will help your career more?
I read an article today about some research done for Hay Group, a management consultancy, that had as its main theme the fact that "70% of graduate respondents say[ing] that in order to succeed in their work they simply need to be...
How to Answer ‘What’s Your Greatest Weakness?’
Every time I deliver a interview skills workshop, inevitably someone asks, "how can I answer the weakness question?". If I charged a £1 every time this horror question comes up in my training sessions, I would be a retired millionaire...
What job hunters can learn from politicians' tactics....
Our political leaders have been through the most public and grueling interview for the top job and according to the Guardian, job seekers can learn a great deal from our politicians when it comes to interviews. Below is a summary of the key points...
Career advice that is sabotaging your interview performance...
As part of Careers Prep in a Day, we delivered an Interviews & Assessment Center workshop. Inevitably, questions turned to what one should wear at interview and the importance of body language which triggered quite a discussion. This prompted me...
Careers Advice from the Game of Thrones....
Hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We know there are a number of you out there who are fans of George R . R Martins Game of Thrones books and the ever popular HBO series which kicks off...
What to wear at an Interview
The email inviting you to interview has landed in your inbox, hurrah! You call your mum and tell her the good news and book a practice interview with the Careers team at Bath. Then it hits you... OMG! WHAT AM...
Whats in a handshake?
You might think a handshake is straightforward – you clasp, shake, release – what could possibly go wrong? Well, here are five types of common handshakes you might want to avoid in an interview: The floppy fish: nerves can play havoc...
Coping with rejection!
Argh! Job hunting (be in for a graduate role, placement or internship) is tough! Let alone getting rejected having put hours of work into writing the application and preparing for the interview. The truth is rejection comes hand in hand...