Parimala Shivaprasad speaks to our Sprint delegates on following your dreams and setting up a Social Enterprise
Our guest blogger, Maisie Goodson, shares highlights from our guest speaker, Parimala Shivaprasad who recently qualified as Doctor of Chemical Engineering while developing a social enterprise start-up. Parimala grew up in Bangalore, India and performed at a high level at...
5 essential skills for starting a student business
GUEST BLOG: written by Ruth Bushi, an editor at Save the Student. The site features everything you need to know about managing money without the migraines: student finance explained, insider info on careers, plus ways to save and scrimp without...
5 ways to an effective networking email...
"Email is where keystrokes go to die" Scott Hanselman, a Microsoft employee has made a simple but important point. If you want to get in touch with busy people, you must know how not to waste their time. Far too many...
How would I know if I am 'an entrepreneur'?
So, for the last few days we have focused on articles about entrepreneurship. But I'm sensing there may still be some people reading this thinking 'but how would I know if I have the potential?' Yes, we ran an article...
Entrepreneurship and Research - Innovation and Independence
While looking through the Researcher Career Stories on the Vitae website recently, I was struck by how many of the researchers had started their own business or undertaken some form of freelance or consultancy work. Some set up their own...
Entrepreneurship - a wide open career path
It's very easy, when hearing about something like Global Entrepreneurship Week, to think 'well that's not for me - I don't have any business ideas'. So when I read a blog post in Nature last week which had as its...
Entrepreneurship – the alternative career path!
The Global Entrepreneurship Week starts from Monday 17th – 23rd November 2014, this week we wanted to focus on a career path less traveled – Entrepreneurship! Whether you want to start your own business, work as a freelancer or...
#FF (Follow Friday): Entrepreneurs!
If you are a Twitter user, you will be familiar with Follow Friday (or #FF) – every Friday people tweet their recommendations about who to follow. I have been following Global Entrepreneurship Week which kicks off from 17-23 November 2014. ...