Edward Webster

More from this author

  • Why training is not always the right answer

    In a world that is rapidly being redefined for us by geopolitical, economic, and technological changes our continuous development is a priority. I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post on “Why training is not always the right answer”. This...

  • Reflection

    I have always disliked reflecting on what I do and how I act. The implied criticism was tough on my ego. My tendency has been to avoid confrontation, even with myself. So, I avoided reflecting, and even if I was...

  • Introducing the Learning and Organisational Development (L&OD) Team

    On 28 January 1986 the space shuttle challenger had a fatal accident. 73 seconds into its flight it broke apart and exploded killing all seven crew members on board. I remember watching the story on the news. I also remember...