Edward Webster
Warm Communities?
We have an air source heat pump. We were faced with the need to change from our oil system a little under a year ago when the oil tank was condemned. We needed to choose whether we were going to...
Questions, questions, questions
My children have grown up and left home. They live a long way away, as in different time zones. This means that even before the pandemic we’ve had the family ritual of the weekly skype call. This is where I...
Father Christmas was good to me in 2023. I was given an electronic tablet that was designed to be written on with a stylus. It is, in many ways, little more than a notebook, with some limited additional functions. I...
In celebration of the “one-to-one”
Over the last couple of years, I have been hearing a lot about needing to “fix” the annual appraisal system... or as many know it SDPR. People say that it is a meaningless exercise [can be]. The form asks the...
Why training is not always the right answer
In a world that is rapidly being redefined for us by geopolitical, economic, and technological changes our continuous development is a priority. I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post on “Why training is not always the right answer”. This...
I have always disliked reflecting on what I do and how I act. The implied criticism was tough on my ego. My tendency has been to avoid confrontation, even with myself. So, I avoided reflecting, and even if I was...
Introducing the Learning and Organisational Development (L&OD) Team
On 28 January 1986 the space shuttle challenger had a fatal accident. 73 seconds into its flight it broke apart and exploded killing all seven crew members on board. I remember watching the story on the news. I also remember...