Chaplains Latest Reflection

Thoughts and reflections from the University Chaplain

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  • Participate

    A student I know, who is exploring faith, connected online with a Quaker community in the States during the last year.  This person was overwhelmed when, at the end of worship on Zoom, they were thanked for their participation and...

  • Remember to breathe...

    I am a big fan of the Apple Watch. It has a number of useful features and is another gadget to fiddle about with in addition to my iPhone. However, I do wonder if perhaps it was trained at the...

  • Keeping Going… And Keeping Praying

    Greetings! Well, this week the term has at last got underway. I hope that everyone has had a good start to the semester and is settled and ready. There is a general air of excitement about campus. For some however,...

  • Fresh Start

    We’re about to take our eldest son to university for the first time.  For the last few months, friends have been warning me about how hard this is for parents and so I’ve prepared myself to feel a bit sad,...

  • Time for Change?

    Occasionally wisdom comes from the strangest of places. I would not normally listen to a set performed by the Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle as he is known for ‘pushing the envelope just a little bit too far’. However, whilst reading,...

  • August 4: Restored

    John Mark Comer’s book “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” describes a new way of living. After rest, reconnection and re-wiring, where we are restored to God. There are further things to do. Christian’s are continually being transformed into the people...

  • August 3: Re-wire

    And sometimes as we are restored and draw close to God in Christ’s name, we become aware of those things that have become habitual. Our Morning Prayer may start “Dear Lord, I’ve done it again!…”. We can let the demands...

  • August 2: Reconnect

    And as we begin to discover spare time, and rest, we turn to our Lord and saviour. I love the psalms as heart songs. They were of course the prayer book that Jesus used. Psalm 27 verse 4 says: One...

  • August 1: Rest

    This year is like no other.  It has been hard and tiring. Even if we have been forced to do less – less travel and meetings outside, “grounded” at home - we have had an onslaught of tough news, images,...

  • Making God Laugh

    There is an old saying - ‘if you want to make God laugh - tell him your plans’. God must be having a great old laugh at the moment! I cannot remember a time when humankind have made so many...