May 2022
Changing diets to change the climate – are you willing?
University staff and students are open to changing their food habits to reduce the impact their choices have on climate change. Food production is responsible for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions, which shows the huge impact that our...
Changing the way we do business: Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable procurement can help to make the University greener. The 2021 Climate Action Survey results show our community is eager for a change in purchasing processes. Procurement involves the purchasing of goods or services for University use and requires our...
The University’s community supports changing travel habits to tackle climate change
Changing travel habits is one of the biggest impacts students and staff can do to reduce their carbon footprint. Results from the 2021 Climate Action Survey show that our community is very open to significant change to reduce travel. Staff...
Incentivise the good University research can do for the climate emergency, say staff and students
The 2021 Climate Action Survey results show our community believes research that positively focuses on addressing the climate crisis should be incentivised. Our University is a hub of research and teaching. As a large organisation, we are also...