Interested in gaining HEA Fellowship?

Posted in: teaching

The Bath Scheme is the University's own process by which members of  staff can gain national recognition from the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as an Associate Fellow [AFHEA] or Fellow [FHEA].

A range of support is now available for those interested in gaining Fellowship, including:

  • Out-of-term time writing days for Associate Fellows (D1) and Fellows (D2). In the first instance, please contact your Bath Scheme Champion  to check if you are eligible. Our next Writing Day is 29 March.
  • If you are currently writing your application, you may wish to take advantage of our regular Fellowship Fridays. These are normally held on the last Friday of the month (and sometimes a Wednesday!). They offer both time and space for those embarking on the Fellowship process to write their application, so bring a laptop with you.  A member of the Academic Staff Development (ASD) Team will be there to answer questions and provide feedback on aspects of the application process. Please sign up for Fellowship Fridays via Moodle.
  • Finally, the ASD Team are currently developing a series of podcasts, which will give those applying for Fellowship the support previously offered in  workshops.

Posted in: teaching


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