The Department for Education has provided some data on the downloading of the "Evidence of Impact of Sustainable Schools" report that Elisabeth Barratt Hacking, Elsa Lee and I produced last year for the DCSF – with much help from the South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition and others. The figures are:
March 2010 – 197 April 2010 - 929
May 2010 – 778 June 2010 - 468
July 2010 – 287 August 2010 - 245
September 2010 – 290 October 2010 - 322
November 2010 – 322 December 2010 - 188
January 2011 – 229 February 2011 - 249
March 2011 - 205 (as of 24 March)
These sum to around 4400, which seems good as it is in addition to a lot of paper copies. What is particularly encouraging is the way that the numbers have held up month by month, after the decision was made public not to support Sustainable Schools centrally: a testament to the support in the sector for sustainability in schools, perhaps. We are told by DfE that of the 26 publications on sustainable schools, Evidence of Impact is the only document that will remain intact. It will be relaunched on the Departmental website once DCSF branding and artwork are removed. Let's hope it proves useful to the newly launched Sustainable Schools Alliance.