Video contrasts

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates, Talks and Presentations

I watched two videos yesterday.  The first was the latest communications output from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation; the second a promotional video from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust in anticipation of its 50th year celebrations in 2012.  Regular readers will know that I am involved in the work of each of these interesting, and interestingly different charities – albeit it in quite distinct ways.

The contrast between the two outputs is marked.  One is short – 3 minutes – and a rapid-fire setting of the scene; the other is a slower burn at 20 minutes, building an argument in a more layered fashion.  One is mainly a two-header, formed round an interview between Ellen and Jon Snow; the other has a cast of around 20 drawn from across the work of, and support for, the Trust's work, and from all age groups (including my own 20 second contribution).  Each is carefully crafted.  One by industry-best practitioners; the other by skilled professionals with the involvement of young learners on a Future Jobs Fund programme – now abandoned.

Although different in so many respects, there are similarities.  Both have near-obligatory shots of landfill sites, and both have articulate organisation leaders on camera, each saying that we need a different way of doing things.   Maybe they should get together.

You can see one of the videos here, but to see the other, you'll need to visit a village hall in Wiltshire sometime soon – with your debitcard.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates, Talks and Presentations


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