Unesco UK Policy Brief on ESD

Posted in: Comment, New Publications

The latest policy brief  [No. 9] from the UK National Commission for Unesco was published yesterday on the UKNC's website.   The introduction says:

This policy brief provides an account of the current status of ESD across the UK.  It draws on evidence from independent experts from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales ... and sets out some of the characteristics of best practice and an analysis of future opportunities for enhancing the core role of education and learning in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

I was pleased to contribute to this as part of a team very ably led by Steve Martin.  More on all that later on ...

Posted in: Comment, New Publications


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  • The short review is pretty discouraging when viewed from abroad but thanks for its early release. The politics of concern about the future is evidenced in the differences between Scotland and England, a feature of policy in other countries. For a US example, see http://climatecrocks.com/2013/03/07/trouble-maker-of-the-year-zack-kopplin/ Perhaps it is not UNESCO's brief to include the political dimension overtly in its analysis. Disappointing to see in Ch 5 no reference to non-formal education for ESD in Botanical Gardens. There is a world-wide network administered from Kew Gardens - http://www.bgci.org/global/