Beautiful and elegant as a theory, and pragmatic and practical in application

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

There were two events yesterday competing for my attention; sadly, I could go to neither, but I was able to follow parts of each on Twitter.

One was an Ellen MacArthur Foundation conference in Bradford on Rethinking the Future [ #rethinking ].  The other was an ESD Policy Forum in London, run by SEEd [#ESDevidence ].   Of course, Twitter is hardly a perfect way of experiencing such events, but as far as I could see, the two had much in common, methodologically speaking, in that there were lots of experts telling other people how it is.

However, Twitter does help you see something of what others were thinking about what was going on, and this comment from Ella Jamsin struck me most forcibly:

"beautiful and elegant as a theory, and pragmatic and practical in application"

The question is: was she talking about ESD or the circular economy?   You know the answer …






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