Good news for Educators in Wales – thanks to Pearson

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

The news that the OECD’s PISA education league tables will include a measure on global competences in 2018 must come as a relief to those responsible for school education across Wales, as – of course – it will mean that all the effort that's been put into ESDGC over the years will finally pay off.  Rumour has it that education chiefs are now to soft-pedal other reforms in the light of this – welcome news for producerism across the Principality; less so for students, perhaps.

If you are wondering how global competences (aka learning) has insinuated itself into the PISA process, look no further than the ubiquitous Pearson: The OECD asks Pearson to help it out – Pearson champions global learning (a process smoothed by the ever-generous UK tax-payer) – QED.  I think this is called a virtuous spiral – if you're Pearson.


Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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