The Ellen MacArthur Foundation gets a new CEO

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Some ESD enthusiasts were very sniffy about the Ellen MacArthur Foundation when it began.  They thought, variously, it wasn't really academic, not interested in sustainability, had soiled its hands with mere trade, and had no idea about ESD.  Others, of course, saw these (and a keen sense of purpose and possibility) as its core strengths.  Negative views were enhanced when the Foundation declined requests to fund useless ESD projects.  However, some would come to think that the Foundation was much wiser with its money than, say, Hefce, in this regard.

It now has a new CEO: Andrew Morlet, previously a managing director of Accenture, and a partner in McKinsey & Co, who brings 25 years' global experience in consulting as well as large-scale programme and project design and delivery.  Mutually-assured confidence, it would seem.  However, for the unreconstructed ESD (wo)man, this will likely demonstrate how right they were right.


Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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