Nimbyism is taken to new heights in Wiltshire

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Wiltshire has an explorer – David Hempleman-Adams – who seems to do most of his exploring out of the county.

Hempleman-Adams has made an intervention into the local solar PV politics (ie, should Wiltshire Council encourage or discourage it?).  The Council's policy is not to have a coherent policy, and so applications get turned down just because loud and well-connected (in a non-electric sense) folk with nice views object.  Needless to say, planning appeals inspectors tend to take a dim view of all this.

Hempleman-Adams has now written to Wiltshire Council objecting to the latest PV application on the grounds that solar farms spoil the view from his hot-air balloon.  The Wiltshire Times reports his saying:

They frankly look appalling from the air, a large black blot on an otherwise green landscape, and the cumulative effect of so many in one area is very striking and detrimental, potentially damaging the very reason people chose to visit the area.”

And, in what is sure to be the killer argument, he says puts moral pressure on the Council with this cri de coeur ...

"On a much smaller objection, I ride my horse, Mr Spot, past this very site and already have been nearly mowed down on several occasions.  Given that I have climbed Everest twice and reached both the North and South Poles and have lived to tell the tale, I think it would be very embarrassing for you if I get mowed down by an articulated lorry in my own back yard.”

My sympathy is entirely with Mr Spot.




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